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How To Locate A Scooter Repair Shop
By Komal Sinha
Many people hesitate to buy a Chinese scooter because they fear they will not find a mechanic to work on their scooter in the event it needs repairs.
Unless one lives in a remote area, it should be fairly easy to find a mechanic that works on Chinese scooters. Here is what we do when a customer needs to locate a scooter repair shop:
1. Go to
2. Click 'Find Businesses'
3. Enter 'motorcycle repair' under 'What'
4. Enter the zip code of the area being searched under 'Where'
Ignore all one brand shops (Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Vespa...) and custom chopper shops; but do call all the multi-brand and all others from the resulting list.
When talking to a potential mechanic, consider the following: many mechanics are reluctant to work on Chinese scooters because they either had one in and could not get parts for it, or they heard about some horror stories where a scooter stayed in the shop for 6 months with no parts. If the mechanic that is closest is refusing to work on the scooter, ask if they would accept to work on it if both the scooter and the replacement part would be brought in at the same time. It may take a little convincing but it is not hard to find a mechanic.
It's a good idea to locate a scooter repair shop prior to buying a scooter, but it is not a prerequisite. Only people in remote areas should worry about finding a repair shop.
About The Author
It's a good idea to locate a scooter repair shop prior to buying a scooter, but it is not a prerequisite. Only people in remote areas should worry about finding a repair shop.
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How was the old gas? Did the gasoline smell old? If the scooter has been sitting over a year or so, the gasoline will turn into a varnish-like stuff. Then you'll have some serious cleaning to do. The gasoline will have evaporated for the most part, leaving a sludgy, molassas like substance in the gas tank, petcock, fuel lines, and the carb. All of these parts will have to be cleaned. This is especially a problem in the carburetor. Thoroughly flush out the gas tank and gas lines with new gas. I've had good luck using the old gas (in small quantities at a time) in my truck.
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