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Additionalelectric scooters Ideas
Always Wear a Helmet-Wearing a helmet every single time you ride a scooter is very important. Even if you plan on only going a half mile down the road, remember to where your helmet. It saves lives on a daily basis, but it can only save your life if you wear it.
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Compression check. If you just acquired the scooter, you should first do a full inspection before you try to get it running. Please see this page on restoration. If this is the case, I'd do a compression check first because it's easy. First check the quantity and condition of the engine oil. Add oil as necessary. I wouldn't change it unless it's terribly dirty. The engine could be bad so you'd waste the oil change. Hook up or purchase a good battery. Leave out the spark plug and crank the scooter for ~5 seconds. This helps to circulate the oil. Let it set for ~15 seconds and do it again. It's not a good idea to continuously crank the starter because it can overheat and wear prematurely. Most scooters need a minimum of 100 psi in compression to run start and properly. Compression should be checked when the engine is warm, but that's kind of hard to do if the scooter is not running. So just hook up a compression gauge and open up the throttle all the way. Crank the scooter until the needle on the compression gague stops moving. This should take no more than 5 seconds. Very roughly, 100-125 psi is good, 125-150 psi is very good, and 150+ psi is great. If you don't have this level of compression then you have bad valves and/or bad piston rings. If you want, you can add a teaspoon or so of oil to the engine through the spark plug hole. Then try the compression test again. If compression is higher, then it's likely you have bad rings. The oil will seal the rings and give you better compression. If compression is the same, then you have bad/misadjusted valves.
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Thu, 31 Jul 2008 08:22:07 GMT
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